The College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering consists of four teaching departments, including the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, the Department of Material Forming and Control, the Department of Electromechanical Control and Automation, and the Department of Energy and Power Engineering, as well as three teaching departments, including the Department of Mechanical Fundamentals, the Department of Engineering Mechanics, and the Department of Engineering Graphics, and an experimental center of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. It has five undergraduate majors in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing and Automation, Material Forming and Control Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering and Robotics Engineering, as well as a Sino-Finnish cooperative program in Energy and Power Engineering. The major of mechanical manufacturing and automation passed the international engineering education accreditation in 2016, and was approved as a “first-class construction point of Heilongjiang Province” in 2019, and approved as a “first-class construction point of the country” in 2020. The major of mechatronics engineering was approved as a “first-class construction point of Heilongjiang Province” in 2020.