序号 | 时间 | 刊物名称 | 论文题目 | 作者 (须第一作者) | 备注 |
1 | 2017.09 | Vacuum | A plasma electron source for generating beam plasma at low gas pressures | 许建平 | SCI |
2 | 2017.09 | 才智 | 基于工程教育专业认证理念的学生核心素养培养体系研究 | 许建平 | |
3 | 2017.06 | 焊接学报 | 电子束焊熔池温度场及小孔演变的数值模拟 | 王佳杰 | |
4 | 2017.03 | International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology (IMST 2016) | Electrochemical hydrogen storage behaviors of nanostructured La1-xSrxCoO3 (x = 0-1.0) prepared by sol-gel method | 闫鹏 | CIPI |
5 | 2017.12 | 黑龙江工程学院学报(社科版) | 以学习者为中心设计课程展开教学的思考 | 王春艳 | |
6 | 2017.9 | 表面技术 | 镁合金表面化学镀镍前处理工艺的研究进展 | 宿辉 | |
7 | 2017.4 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 碳纤维表面化学镀预处理工艺研究 | 王丽雪 | |
8 | 2017.4 | 黑龙江工程学院学报 | 深化材料科学基础课程改革助力应用型工程技术乐动网页版登录入口 | 王丽雪 | |
9 | 2016.10 | 黑龙江科学 | 当代高校教学管理的观念更新与策略转换 | 高杨 | |
10 | 2017 | 2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) | A 20.1-W, b-cut Tm,Ho:YAlO 3 Laser Pumped by Two Laser Diode | 杨曦凝 | EI |
11 | 2017 | 2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) | 1.90-W, 7.06-�m ZnGeP 2 Optical Parametric Oscillators Pumped by a 2.05-�m Laser | 杨曦凝 | EI |
12 | 2017.06 | 焊接 | 钛合金表面脉冲电弧熔覆TiN组织与性能研究 | 王佳杰 | |
13 | 2017 | Proc. of SPIE | A 9.8-W, a-cut Tm,Ho:YAP laser pumped by two laser diodes | 杨曦凝 | EI |
14 | 2017 | Proc. of SPIE | High power of a b-cut Tm,Ho:YAP laser pumped by two 794.3-nm laser diodes | 杨曦凝 | EI |
15 | 2017.11 | Engineering and Technollgy Research | Dynamic response of a subsurface circular structure near a semi-cylindrical alluvial valley under incident SH-waves SH | 王慧文 | |