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谭雪飞,自回国以来一直从事生物质资源的开发及再利用、寒区碳基复合材料的定向制备。并应用在电催化、吸附,环境催化等多个新材料、新能源领域。入选 2020 年度黑龙江省青年创新人才,近 5 年,基于技术成果导向,以第一作者/通讯作者在 Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Research、Environmental Technology &Innovation、Chinese Chemical Letters 等领域发表 SCI 论文 20 余篇(Q1, IF > 5,15篇),累计影响因子 > 100,被来自 62 个国家和地区的科研机构引用。担任国际期刊 Chinese ChemicalLetters 环境方向青年编委,同时,还担任美国、韩国、马来西亚多个期刊编委或审稿人。与澳大利亚阿德莱德大学、韩国庆尚大学、马来西亚诺丁汉大学、哈尔滨工业大学、东北林业大学、大连理工大学等课题组保持常年合作。已授权国内、外发明专利共5项,其中,国际专利一项。近年来获得省级项目资助3项,校级教学改革项目1项。横向课题3项。其中,藻渣生物炭已用于中钢集团焦化废水修复的中试研究;另一项制备的藻渣碳材料吸附剂已经投入到中钢集团煤化工废水的修复工作中。同时担任Chinese Chemical Letters期刊青年编委、黑龙江省化工协会理事。科技服务获得了行业内和企业的一致好评。


1)2018-2019 辽宁省科技项目1项 (参与)

2)2016-2017 黑龙江省创新创业项目2项 (指导)

3)2017-2020 省级博士科研启动基金 (主持)

(4)2017-2018 校级重点教改项目1项 (主持)


1)2020 年度黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才项目(主持)


3)2020-2023 细胞限域笼型催化材料的定向构筑及长效评估,开放课题(主持)


1)Tan, X., Wei, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, C., Ho, S. H., 2022. Adsorption of sulfamethoxazole via biochar: The key role of characteristic components derived from different growth stage of microalgae. Environ. Res. 210, 112965-112965. (Q2, IF = 6.8)

(2)Tan, X., Zhang, C., Wei, H., Shi, P., Chang, H., Ho, S. H., 2022. Versatile strategy of sulfanilamide antibiotics removal via microalgal biochar: role of oxygen-enriched functional groups. Chemosphere, accepted. (Q2, IF = 7.1)

(3)Tan, X.F., Zhu, S.S., Wang, R.P., Chen, Y.D., Show, P.L., Zhang, F.F., Ho, S.H., 2021. Role of biochar surface characteristics in the adsorption of aromatic compounds: Pore structure and functional groups. Chinese Chem Lett, 2939-2946. (Q2, IF = 6.7)

(4)Chong, J. W. R., Tan, X.*, Khoo, K. S., Ng, H. S., Jonglertjunya, W., Yew, G. Y., & Show, P. L. Microalgae-based bioplastics: Future solution towards mitigation of plastic wastes. Environmental research. 2022, 206. (Q2, IF = 6.8)

(5)Feng, H., Sun, C., Zhang, C., Chang, H., Zhong, N., Wu, W., Tan, X., Ho, S.-H. Bioconversion of mature landfill leachate into biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids via microalgal photosynthesis together with dark fermentation. Energy Conversion and Management. 2022, 252. (Q1, IF = 11.35)

(6)Li, J., Yang, H., Qin, K., Wei, L., Xia, X., Tan, X., Zhu, F., Zhao, Q. Effect of pig manure-derived sulfadiazine on species distribution and bioactivities of soil ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms after fertilization. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 423. (Q1, IF = 10.59)

(7)Zhu, F., Tan, X.*, Zhao, W., Feng, L., He, S., Wei, L., Zhao, Q. Efficiency assessment of ZVI-based media as fillers in permeable reactive barrier for multiple heavy metal-contaminated groundwater remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 424. (Q1, IF = 10.59)

(8)Khoo, K. S., Tan, X.*, Ooi, C. W., Chew, K. W., Leong, W. H., Chai, Y. H., Show, P. L. How does ionic liquid play a role in sustainability of biomass processing? Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 284. (Q1, IF = 10.86)

(9)Nguyen-Sy, T., Tan, X.*, Nguyen Thi Dong, P., Aron, N. S. M., Chew, K. W., Khoo, K. S., Show, P. L. Advanced green bioprocess of soil carbohydrate extraction from long-term conversion of forest soil to paddy field. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2021 9(5). (Q2, IF = 7.74)

(10)A. Paul Peter, X. Tan*, J. Yau Lim, K. Wayne Chew, A. Krishna Koyande, P. LokeShow, Environmental analysis of Chlorella vulgaris cultivation in large scale closed system under waste nutrientsource, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021. (Q1, IF = 13.27)

(11)Tan, X., Wang, H.-M. D., Zang, D., Wu, L., Liu, F., Cao, G., Ho, S.-H. Superhydrophobic/superoleophilic corn straw as an eco-friendly oil sorbent for the removal of spilled oil. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2021, 23(1), 145-152. (Q3, IF = 3.63)

(12)Yew, G. Y., Tan, X.*, Chew, K. W., Chang, J.-S., Tao, Y., Jiang, N., & Show, P. L. Thermal-Fenton mechanism with sonoprocessing for rapid non-catalytic transesterification of microalgal to biofuel production. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 408. (Q1, IF = 13.27)

(13)Tan, X., Zhu, S., Show, P. L., Qi, H., & Ho, S.-H.. Sorption of ionized dyes on high-salinity microalgal residue derived biochar: Electron acceptor-donor and metal-organic bridging mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020 393. (Q1, IF = 10.59)

(14)Tan, C. H., Tan, X.*, Ho, S.-H., Lam, S. S., Show, P. L., & The Hong Phong, N. Conceptual design of a hybrid thin layer cascade photobioreactor for microalgal biodiesel synthesis. International Journal of Energy Research. 2020, 44(12), 9757-9771. (Q2, IF = 4.42)

(15)Xuefei Tan, Deli Zang, Haiqun Qi, Feng Liu, Guoliang Cao and Shih-Hsin Ho. Fabrication of Green Superhydrophobic/Superoleophilic Wood Flour for Efficient Oil Separation from Water. Processess. 2019. 7(7). (Q3, IF = 3.64)

(16)Xue Fei Tan, Zia Uddin, Chanin Park, Yeong Hun Song, Minky Son, Keun Woo Lee, Ki Hun Park. Competitive protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitor, prenylated caged xanthones from Garcinia hanburyi and their inhibitory mechanism. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2017, 25(8), 2498-2506. (Q3, IF = 3.64)

(17)Tan X.F., Song Y.H., Park C.I., Lee K.H., Kim J.Y., Kim D.W., Kim K.D., Lee K.W., Park K.H. Highly potent tyrosinase inhibitor, neorauflavane from Campylotropis hirtella and inhibitory mechanism with molecular docking. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2016, 24, 153-159. (Q3, IF = 3.64)

(18)Tan X.F., Kim D.W., Song Y.H., Kim J.Y., Yuk H.J., Wang Y., Kim D.W., Kim J.Y., Curtis-Long M.J., Park K.H. Human neutrophil elastase inhibitory potential of flavonoids from Campylotropis hirtella and their kinetics. J. Enzyme. Inhib. Med. Chem. 2016, 25, 1-7. (Q2, IF = 5.6)

(19)Lee B., Wu Z., Lee T., Tan X.F., Park K.H., Liu K.H. In vitro characterization of 4'-(ptoluenesulfonylamide)-4-hydroxychalcone using human liver microsomes and recombinant cytochrome P450s. Xenobiotica. 2016, 46, 350-356. (Q3, IF = 1.9)

(20)Kim J.Y., Lee J.H., Song Y.H., Jeong W.M., Tan X.F., Zia U. Human Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitory Alkaloids from Chelidonium majus L. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry. 2015. 58, 281-285. (Q3, IF = 1.2)

(21)Wang Y., Yuk H.J., Kim J.Y., Kim D.W., Song Y.H., Tan X.F., Curtis-Long M.J., Park K.H. Novel chromenedione derivatives displaying inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) from Flemingia philippinensis. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2016, 26, 318-321. (Q3, IF = 2.8)

(22)Wang Y., Curtis-Long M.J., Lee B.W., Yuk H.J., Kim D.W., Tan X.F., Park K.H. Inhibition of tyrosinase activity by polyphenol compounds from Flemingia philippinensis roots. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2014, 22, 1115-1120. (Q3, IF = 3.64)

(23)Wang Y., Curtis-Long M.J., Yuk H.J., Kim D.W., Tan X.F., Park K.H. Bacterial neuraminidase inhibitory effects of prenylated isoflavones from roots of Flemingia philippinensis. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2013, 21, 6398-6404. (Q3, IF = 3.64)




(2)2022发明专利:一种氧化钴二硒化钴异质结构负载碳三氮四复合材料的制备方法(CN 113443663 B,排名3)

(3)2016(韩国)发明专利 cosmetic composition for skin whitening containing campylotropis hirtella extract with inhibitory activity of tyrosinase and melanin formation(10-2016-0057561,排名3)





1)Chinese Chem Lett (SCI,Q1) 优秀论文奖(2023)


1)2013 - 2016 韩国“BK+ (Brain Korean plus)” 奖学金

(2)2012 - 2013 韩国“BK (Brain Korean)” 奖学金


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